Wim Hof training "Iceman"
I came across this quote from Wim Hof's son Enahm Hof...
("Guys, Wim has his own Method, but indeed, Tummo is part of it! Just visit our site www.hofoutdoor.nl You can do workshops by Wim Hof or travel with us!")
I had a look at the video (above) of Wim Hof training "Iceman"
I came across this quote from Wim Hof's son Enahm Hof...
("Guys, Wim has his own Method, but indeed, Tummo is part of it! Just visit our site www.hofoutdoor.nl You can do workshops by Wim Hof or travel with us!")
I had a look at the video (above) of Wim Hof training "Iceman"
He dose Exercise, Meditation, Eyes rolled upwards, Nose breathing, Cold environment / Snow and Yoga
All of these activities normalize breathing, fascinating!!!
All of these activities normalize breathing, fascinating!!!
To find out the science behind normalisation of breathing for general health (Asthma, Blocked Nose, Coughing to name but a few of the 150 Diseases of Deep Breathing.) go to TheBreathingMan website http://www.thebreathingman.com/ you will be amazed at what you will read!!!
Wim Hof and Justin Rosales are writing a book on "Becoming the Iceman" which will be out in the near future http://www.becomingtheiceman.com
Also his website is http://www.wimhof.org
Also his fan page on Facebook (The Iceman) is http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Iceman/139200219431269
Wim Hof and Justin Rosales are writing a book on "Becoming the Iceman" which will be out in the near future http://www.becomingtheiceman.
Also his website is http://www.wimhof.org
Also his fan page on Facebook (The Iceman) is http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Iceman/139200219431269
New Website: http://www.innerfire.nl/en-home
ReplyDeleteAs for the Fan page... we now have this:
My mom has stage four cancer. We have her on a strong protocol but would love to implement a breathing technique that can help her immune system and increase oxygen on a cellular level (cancer is anaerobic).
ReplyDeleteI messaged a breathing coach about Wim Hof vs. Buteyko to hear his advice. This is what he wrote back. Would love to hear anyone's advice and if there's evidence backing up one technique vs the other for cancer.
"I think you should do a little reading about hyperventilation, which is what Wim Hof's method is. From the Buteyko perspective it is absolutely not what your mother should be doing. Hyperventilating 'blows off' carbon dioxide. This will hamper aerobic metabolism. See the haemoglobin dissociation curve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen%E2%80%93hemoglobin_dissociation_curve and the Bohr Effect.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohr_effect
Simply, low carbon dioxide means less oxygen delivered to the cells of the body. Hyperventilating does not 'load-up' the blood with oxygen. Respiratory physiology doesn't work that way. People who attempt to hold their breath for a very long time underwater will hyperventilate before. This blows off carbon dioxide and then the brain loses it signal to breathe. Carbon dioxide guides breathing in low activity. So by blowing off carbon dioxide they can stay underwater for a very long time because nothing is signalling the brain to breathe. This is very dangerous. Those going for world records are having their heart rate monitored. If they pass out they pull them out of the water. People trying this at their local swimming pool have drowned which is why this practiced is banned from public pools in Canada and the US.
Wim Hof may be ok for very healthy people. But in the long run I doubt it. If your mother hyperventilates she will start to feel bad very quickly. See Forced Hyperventilation Provocation http://www.normalbreathing.com/learn-1A-HVPT-test.php
You would be supporting anaerobic metabolism with hyperventilation, not lessening it.
I hope this is helpful"
Most people are biased on this topic and I've read many unnecessary and emotional jabs at Wim Hof. Please allow this thread to be an educated conversation while limiting biases and attacks. Thank you in advance for your time and advice.
I would absolutely agree that your mother should avoid the Wim Hof method--at least the hyperventilation exercises. Exposure to cold and nasal breathing will have benefits--but many of his exercises will exacerbate health issues. She should be practicing mild Buteyko exercises under the direction of a highly trained Buteyko practitioner.
DeleteIt is clear from watching videos of Wim Hof describe his exercises that he has a very poor understanding of breathing physiology. As he is instructing a student to hyperventilate he tells him that the tingling sensations in his muscles is just an abundance of oxygen rushing to the muscles. Wrong! Tingling in the extremities is one of the most common signs of hyperventilation and is caused by hypoxia (low cellular levels of oxygen). I agree that a healthy person may not have negative consequences from the Wim Hof Method, a sickly person could suffer severe consequences. Stick with the method developed by doctors and clinically tested for several decades.